The role of significant figures is of utmost importance for doing accurate and precise mathematical calculations. Significant figures in a value are numbers that are used to represent a measurement or a calculation. There are many times when you have to find significant numbers in a given value to narrow down the figures in a value to numbers that matter.
And a lot of the time, it is going to require you to use the rounding principles to find significant figures. You need to learn how the rounding significant figures process works so that you can utilize it to maximize your accuracy and precision when doing mathematical calculations.
In this brief article, we are going to share with you the complete process of rounding significant figures that you need to know. At the end of the article, we are going to give you a simple and hassle-free method that you can use to automate the process of rounding significant figures.
So, without wasting any more time, let’s get started and learn how to find rounding significant figures for mathematical calculations.
What are Significant Figures and How to Why Do They Matter?
Significant figures are numbers in a given value that “matter”. In simpler terms, these are numbers that are meaningful in a value and are used to express the accuracy and usefulness of the given number. Significant figures are quite tricky for beginners because there are a lot of rules that you need to learn to properly determine the significant figures in number.
Of course, you can always use the significant figures calculator and counter to find significant figures in a value. But you still need to know how to find them manually so that you can do it yourself when you don’t have access to online calculators.
Here is how you can find significant figures:
Rule# 1 – Numbers that are non-zero are always significant.
Rule# 2 – Zeros between two numbers are always significant.
Rule# 3 – The zeros at the end of a decimal number are always significant.
Rule# 4 – The leading zeros in a value are insignificant.
Rule# 5 – Zeros on the right side of the decimal are significant.
You can follow these basic rules to find significant figures in a value. Now, let’s get into the process of rounding significant figures.
How to Round Significant Figures?
When it comes to rounding significant figures, there are certain rules that you need to follow. These rules tell you how you can round any length of numbers, to the exact digit where you want the rounding to happen. For example, if you want the number 0.5678 to be rounded to 2 digits, then the result would be 0.57.
Rules for Rounding Significant Figures
Rule #1 If the number next to the one that you want the rounding to happen is bigger than 5, you need to add 1 to the number that you want to round.
Before Rounding the Second Last number = 0.5678
After Rounding the Second Last Number = 0.568
Rule #2 If the number next to the one that you to round is smaller than 5, you simply just leave that number, and the result would be the rounded version.
Before Rounding the Second Last number = 0.5674
After Rounding the Second Last Number = 0.567
Sig Fig Calculator – Easy Way to Find Rounding Significant Figures
Manual rounding of significant figures is quite a time-consuming process. It can take you a lot of time and can even have an impact on the accuracy of the result. So, if you are a time crunch and you want an easy way to find rounding significant figures, then you can use the Sig-Fig calculator for that.
With this calculator, you can set your round value and enter the number to find the significant figures in it. The calculator automatically takes in the number, performs the rounding as per your input, and gives you the significant figures in the input number.
And the best part is, the calculator performs all these operations for you in an instant. The super-fast processing algorithm of this calculator is great for students and mathematicians alike.
Here are the best features of the sig fig calculator that you should know.
Finds Total Significant Numbers
The primary feature of this tool is to help you find significant numbers in a value. The tool follows the significant number calculation rules to give you the exact number of significant figures in a value.
Set custom Round Value
When finding significant values, you can use the round value bar to select the round value that you prefer. You can choose a rounding value from 1 to 10 and the calculator will perform the calculations as per your input.
E & Scientific Notations for a Number
Along with the number of significant numbers, the calculator also tells you the e-notation and scientific notation for a number. You can input any number you want to get its E-notation and scientific notation representations.
Free Usage with 24/7 Access
You can use the sig-fig calculator 24/7, without any kind of access restriction. There is no minimum usage limit for the calculator, and it is available for all users, 24/7. You can access it via your phone, PC, or laptop web browser.
Final Words
When it comes to rounding significant figures, things can often get confusing at times. This is because the manual process requires you to memorize certain rules and then use them to round the numbers.
If you don’t want to do the manual rounding, you can utilize our online utility, the sig-fig calculator to speed up the process. Still, learning how to round the figures can prove to be quite useful for you in the future.
Go over the rules for rounding significant figures that we have talked about in this article. And if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us. We’d be happy to help you out with the Rounding Significant Figures calculation.