Circumference of a Circle Calculator

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Circumference (cm) 0
Diameter (cm) 0
Area (cm2)
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Circumference of a Circle Calculator

At the high school and college levels, geometry is one of the major branches of mathematics. In literal terms, the circumference is defined as the total perimeter of the shape. The circumference of a circle has a formula and manual calculations are possible. However, even if there are slight accuracy problems and one of the values is entered incorrectly, the overall value would be wrong. Hence, a better option is to use a circumference of a circle calculator so that you can be sure about the answer's accuracy.

Benefits of Circumference Calculator

Consider that you have to calculate the circumference of five circles and the assignment has to be completed in a short span of time. Considering this time restriction, it would be hard for you to perform the steps manually and get done with the calculation tasks in due course of time. Using this tool is a better option for students as well as other professionals who have to calculate the circumference.

  • It is a free tool with which you can complete as many calculations as you wish. This is a sigh of relief for students who cannot opt for paid tools. You can perform as many calculations as you want without making any payments.
  • Reliability is an important factor in choosing the correct tool. If you are using a tool that does not produce correct results, there is no point in using it. This tool does not have accuracy problems which is one of the key reasons why people prefer it.

How to Use Circumference of Circle Calculator

Here are the simple steps you have to perform to use this circumference calculator.

  • In the first text box, enter the radius of the circle. Radius has half the value as that of the diameter. For instance, if the radius of a circle is 2cm, the diameter would be 4cm. Once you have entered the radius of the circle, you can move to the next step. Simply click the calculate button to produce the output.

Checking the Outputs

The outputs would be produced on the right side of the screen. Here are the three outputs produced through this circumference of a circle calculator.

  • Diameter (This is basically double the value of the radius).
  • Circumference (This is the perimeter of the circle).
  • Area of the circle.

Find Circumference of a Circle with Steps

If you have to perform several calculations within less time, it can prove to be a hassle if less time is available. In such situations, calculations have to be completed in an accurate manner without any hassles. Why do you need to complete the steps yourself when the tool can do it for you? This calculator is suitable for performing multiple circumference and area of circle calculations.

If you want to calculate the area, diameter, circumference or radius with different values, our Circle Area Calculator is the perfect tool for you.

Suitable for Students

This circumference calculator with steps is suitable and recommended for a variety of users including students. College and school students have to work on assignments from time to time. When it comes to mathematical calculations, it is not possible to come up with the correct answers when you are in haste. Using this tool is a helpful alternative as you can save time and perform the calculations without any problem.


How to Find the Circumference of a Circle?

You can use the circumference of a circle formula for it, which is 2πR. To get the diameter of the circle, multiply the given value of radius by 2. After multiplying the results with the value of Pi (3.14), you’ll find the circumference of a circle. You can easily find the circumference, area, and diameter of any circle with a step-by-step solution and formula by using our Circumference of a Circle Calculator.

What is the Circumference of a Circle?

The linear distance around any circle is called the circumference of a circle. We can also say that the length of a specific line will be the circumference of a circle if the circle is opened into the form of a straight line.

What is the Circumference of a Circle Formula?

C = 2πR

Where R is the value of radius and Pi has a constant value of 3.14. You can easily solve any equation with this circumference of a circle formula.

How to Find the Diameter of a Circle?

The formula for the circumference of a circle is 2πR. To get the value of the diameter of a circle with a radius, you have to calculate the radius with 2 and you’ll get the value of the diameter of a circle. In simple words, you can say that the formula to find the diameter of a circle is 2 x radius.

What is the Circumference of a Circle with a Radius of 4?

By using the circumference formula, you can calculate the circumference of a circle. After inserting the value of a radius into the formula of circumference, you’ll get the following results:

Circumference Formula = 2πr


By putting Values in the above formula:

Area = 2*3.14*(120)

Circumference = 753.98 cm

This calculation is measured with a radius of 4 feet. You’ll get different results by changing the unit from centimeters to inches, feet, meters,s, etc.

What is the Area of a Circle with a Radius of 4?

The formula of Area: πr2


By putting Values in the above formula:

Area = 3.14*(120)2

Area = 45238.93 cm2

The calculation of radius is measured with the unit of the foot. It means that the 4 feet are converted into centimeters to solve the equation. You’ll get entirely different results by changing the measurement units of inches, feet, meters,s, etc in the circumference of a circle calculator.

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