Force Calculator

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Force calculator is an online physics tool to calculate force using newton's second law. It offers to find all the values included in the force formula i.e f=ma.

Users can select different units of measurements for quantities. It is also referred to as newton's second law calculator. 

What is the Force?

Force is described as a push or a pull experienced by a body when it interacts with another. It can cause acceleration in the motion of a moving body or can set a body at rest in motion.

Force can also alter the shape of a body. Force is a vector quantity as it has both direction and magnitude. Force is often represented by the symbol F.

Vector Quantity

A vector quantity is one that has both direction and magnitude. For example force, weight, momentum, displacement. 

Units of Force

Force has different units in different measuring systems. Its SI unit is the newton, written as N. Its value is \(kgms^{-2}\). Some other used units are;

UnitAbbreviationEquivalent newton unit

Force formula

Newton described in his second law of motion that force equals mass times acceleration. The mathematical form of the Force equation gives the magnitude of the force. The formula for force is;


\(F\) represents the force
\(M\) stands for mass
\(A\) represents acceleration


The total amount of matter or material present in an object is known as the mass of the object. Its SI unit is the kilogram, written as kg. Its representation is commonly m


Acceleration is possessed by a body whose velocity is not constant and is changing. The rate at which the velocity changes with respect to time is called acceleration. Its unit is meter per second squared.

How to calculate force?

You can calculate force manually by following these easy steps.

  • Calculate mass if not provided through its formula and convert it into kilograms.

  • Calculate acceleration using \(\dfrac{\Delta y}{\Delta t}\) in ms-2.
  • Multiply mass and acceleration.
  • Force is found in newtons.


Consider a body of mass 50kg is being accelerated by \(20ms^{-2}\). Force on it is 1000N.

Net force

It is quite possible that a body is under more than one force. Net force equals all the forces acting on the body added together.

For example, a body of some mass is being pushed by a man by some force. At the same time force of gravity and the force of friction are acting on it.  Hence, more than one force is acting on the body.

How to find net force?

Calculate each force separately and add them. Mathematically, the net force formula is written as

\(F_{net}= F_1+ F_2+ ...... + F_n\)

Where “n” stands for No. of terms.


A body of mass 10g is thrown vertically upward in a dry environment with force causing a negative acceleration of \(30ms^{-2}\).

The acceleration due to gravity on it is \(9.8ms^{-2}\). Also, the force of friction is 3N. How to calculate the net force on the ball?


\(F_{net} = F_1+ F_2+ F_3\)

\(F_{net} = (10)(30) + (10)(-9.8) +(-3)\)

\(F_{net} = 300 + (-90.8) + (-3)\)

\(F_{net} = 206.2 N\)

The body is going upward due to a force of 206.2 N. Negative sign is due to negative acceleration.

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