Lean Body Mass Calculator

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Lean Body Mass (LBM) is the weight that is carried in one’s body, but it is entirely different from fat or is not fat. LBM can be taken as positive and fats as negative when it comes to being fit, because all the fitness trainers and bodybuilders usually recommend losing fat, but keeping the LBM at the constant level. The LBM is calculated by following it in terms of density.

It does not mean that it is fatless. It does contain a small percentage of fats, to be precise about 3 percent.


If you are a fitness enthusiast, shredding fat but making muscles is your focus and necessary task, then know that it is not an easy one. The consumption of the right diet and the practice of the right exercises are all that end up helping you to achieve your goal.

Given below are some ways in which you can increase or decrease the LBM in your bodies to adjust its level and to keep only the necessary or needed the amount of it in your bodies to fall in the perfect fit range.

Consumption of proteins is something that kills the fats in your bodies and on the other hand increases the LBM. It is usually preferred to have diets rich in proteins for this purpose. Consumption of proteins result in preservation and also the growth of the lean body muscle. As a result of experimentations, it was observed that if the amount of dietary intake is limited and the amount of protein intake is increased, the body tends to gain the LBM and not only does it gain the LBM but also loses fat. But do remember that exercising is must with the intake of protein-rich diets. There are many different sources for protein, for example, Fishes, lean meat, eggs, soy sauce, etc. If one keeps on consuming a protein-rich diet with proper and the appropriate exercises, the muscles are toned, and the extra fat is cut from the body, so you do not look either weak, neither fat but you get the appropriate physical appearance that you have been working on and that you require.

In addition to this, there are many strength activities which you can practice, as mentioned above, to gain LBM. For example, performing strength workouts per week, weight lifting, etc. it is usually preferred to talk to a fitness trainer who will guide you through it and sketch out a proper plan which you can follow because if something inappropriate or some wrong exercise is performed, the body may face some adverse changes. However, all the hard work that you’ll do will prove to be worth it in the end.

But before you opt for anything, you must calculate lean body mass using lean mass calculator. You cannot proceed without calculating it and given below is a straightforward way of how to it.


By using this LBM calculator, you can easily calculate the LBM. Have a look at the primary interface: Lean body mass calculator the basic interface is quite simple and clear. Every column given has to be filled, and your result would be calculated. According to that result, you can further proceed or sketch the plan that you have to.

lean body mass calculator

Now, let's suppose we are calculating the LBM for 65 KGs. Now as soon as you enter the weight in Kilograms, it instantly converts into pounds but in a different column automatically. Then below is a column where you have to mention your body’s fat but percentage wise. When that is done, you get the result in accordance to which you can decide if you have to increase your LBM or work on keeping it at the constant level.

For athletes, the LBM level must be 81 and 91 percent (Women), and when it comes to men, the lean body mass level has to be in between 84 and 94 percent. If the Lean Body mass of a person is less than that, then the range is considered to be unhealthy, and the ways given above should be opted for to increase the level of the lean body mass in the body. The usual reason why women tend to have a standard LBM lesser than men is because of the fat percentages in their bodies as compared to that in men. The fat level or percentage in the bodies of men is much lesser than that in the women, and the necessary explanation that can be given behind it for the reasoning purpose is that they have to bear children. So their average LBM level has to be a bit lesser as compared to men, to stay in the healthy range and to have a less fat level but a very balanced LBM level and to maintain muscles as well.

However, do remember that the percentage and levels might vary from age to age as well. This is mainly because physically, aged people are way more different than younger people. They tend to have more body fat. Even if their weight is all appropriate, their LBM level might not be at the desired level.

Referring to the sample taken above (The picture), the calculated lean body weight calculator in the image, as a result, shows that it falls in the ‘’unhealthy’’ range and measures must be taken to improve it.

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