Ordering Fractions Calculator


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The free ordering fractions calculator is used for sorting different types of numbers. You can arrange the values in both least to greatest and greatest to least by using this calculator.

How to use Ordering Fractions Calculator?

To use this ascending and descending order calculator:

  1. Enter the fractions in the input box.

  2. Click calculate.

And just like that, by completing only two steps, your fractions will be arranged.

How to order fractions?

The real numbers that are in the form of p/q, where the upper one is the numerator and the lower one is the denominator are referred to as Fractions.

Fractions, or any number for that fact, are arranged in two forms; ascending and descending. One way to order fractions is by converting them into decimals.

Ascending order (Least to Greatest):

The order in which the numbers are arranged in a flow of least to greatest is called ascending order. To arrange fractions in ascending order:

  1. Convert each fraction into a decimal.

  2. Write the shortest decimal first.

  3. Then write the next shortest decimal and so on.


Order these from least to greatest.
⅔, ⅘, ½, ⅗ 


  1. Convert all the values into decimals.
    ⅔ = 0.67
    ⅘ = 0.8
    ½ = 0.5
    ⅗ = 0.6
  2. Write the smallest value at the start.
    0.5 is the smallest value.
  3. Write the next smallest decimal.
    0.5 , 0.67, 0.6, 0.8
  4. Replace the decimals with the corresponding fractions.
    ½, ⅔, ⅗, ⅘

Descending order (Greatest to Least): 

The order in which the numbers are arranged in a flow of greatest to least is called descending order. To arrange fractions in descending order:

  1. Convert each fraction into a decimal.

  2. Write the greatest decimal first.

  3. Then write the next greatest decimal and so on.


Order these from greatest to least.
⅓, ⅖, ¼, ⅗


  1. Convert all the values into decimals.
    ⅓ = 0.33
    ⅖ = 0.4
    ¼ = 0.25
    ⅗ = 0.6
  2. Write the greatest value at the start.
    0.6 is the greatest value.
  3. Write the next greatest decimal.
    0.6 , 0.4, 0.33, 0.25
  4. Replace the decimals with the corresponding fractions.
    ⅗, ⅖, ⅓, ¼  

There is another way of ordering fractions. In this method, the fractions remain intact. To order fractions from least to greatest:

  1. Find the least value denominator.

  2. If two or more fractions have LCD (least common denominator), write the one with the lowest numerator first.

  3. Now, keep writing the fractions with the next lowest denominator.

Use the ordering decimals calculator to order the fractions.

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