Pregnancy Calculator

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Estimated Due Date is :
--, -- --, --
Gestational Age Today is: --, -- --, --
Date of Conception: --, -- --, --
First Fetal Heart Tones by Doppler: --, -- --, --
End First Trimester: --, -- --, --
Blood Draw for Serum Integrated Screening: --, -- --, --
Nuchal Translucency (NT) Ultrasound: --, -- --, --
Quad Marker Screening: --, -- --, --
Best time to evaluate cervical length in patient with risk factors: --, -- --, --
Best time for routine anatomy ultrasound: --, -- --, --
2h OGTT in women not previously diagnosed with diabetes: --, -- --, --
Anti-D prophylaxis for women who are (RhD) Negative: --, -- --, --
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance in High Risk Patients: --, -- --, --
Screening for Vaginal and Rectal GBS colonization: --, -- --, --
Elective Delivery May Be Scheduled for Singletons After : --, -- --, --

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What is the Pregnancy due date?

Pregnancy is a term, used to define the period of a woman carrying one or two babies until the time of delivery. Childbirth, occur usually after 40 weeks of last mensuration or 38 weeks after insemination.

At your first visit to the gynecologist, the doctor tends to tell you the approximate date of childbirth. The due date is usually depicted by sonography measurement, but the genuine pregnancy length depends on numerous factors. Such as the pregnancy of the first child has a long time period compared to the following pregnancies it. Less than ten percent of childbirths happen on the due date while fifty percent of births occur within a week of a given date and ninety percent occur within two weeks of the due date.

In case, you do not know the due date, you can know it by using the Pregnancy Due Date calculator to calculate pregnancy from the due date. You can get the answer to the constant question running in your mind “How pregnant am I?” by using a pregnancy calculator by the due date.

The total time period of pregnancy can be divided into three sets each, consisting of three months, which is called a Trimester. You can know if you are pregnant or not by pregnancy tests which are based on the detection of the hormonal level. Urine tests or blood tests can detect pregnancy week by week after fertilization, however, urine tests can detect after fifteen days after fertilization. Blood tests give an accurate result.

A nutritious and balanced diet is essential for the baby and the conceiving mother.

A balanced and nutritious diet is very important for both the mother and baby. An ample amount of periconceptional folic acid should be consumed by the mother as it restricts fetal neural tube defects, which aids in preventing spina bifida. The essential fatty acid, DHA omega-3 should be consumed by the mother as it's essential in the building of the retina and brain.

Why is the pregnancy due date calculator useful?

It's essential to remember months close to delivery are essential to remember. There are some things that you should either do during the time period or avoid. The date which the due date calculator week by week calculates gives a better understanding of when the second trimester ends and you have to be cautious about certain things. There are certain things you should avoid during the third trimester, With a pregnancy test calculator you get an idea of when the third trimester starts and you avoid these prohibited acts.

Another reason is that if you have an idea of “how pregnant am I” you will also have an idea of when you’ll have to be admitted to the hospital since mothers are instructed to be admitted two weeks before the due date. (Source: Wikipedia)

You may have heard that the target range for women during pregnancy is between 25 and 35 pounds, often repeated weight gain. But this applies to women who are classified as "normal weight" by their Body Mass Index, or BMI chart. Your BMI is calculated by weight and height. Defining your BMI for personal weight gain is the first step.

A pregnancy calculator with the due date is an essential online tool that can be used to calculate pregnancy weeks by the due date. Since, it's hard to remember the pregnancy stage, however, as mentioned before, the pregnancy calculator due date can be a lifesaver. Furthermore, it can help you to calculate the pregnancy conception date without any hassle.

Calculated Pregnancy Stages

Estimated due date
Ending date First Trimester
Ending date of the Second Trimester
4 Estimated Due window to
Estimated Due window from
Estimated Conception Date

Things to do and avoid in your first trimester.

Searching and choosing a health care provider:

It won’t be stressful for you if you have found a doctor or midwife you feel comfortable with, but as for those who haven’t, they should do research. Search online or take suggestions from friends or family.

Quit smoking:

Smoking can cause problems even if it may lead to miscarriage. Furthermore, smoking also inhibits fetal growth and increases the chances of death and stillbirth. Avoiding smoking gives a chance of a healthy baby.

Reduce caffeine consumption:

High intake of caffeine results in a miscarriage and other problems during pregnancy.

Consume prenatal vitamins:

As described above, ample folic acid is essential, especially during the first trimester.

Stop consumption of alcohol:

Drinking alcohol, even in a small amount can increase chances of low birth weight and impact your child's speech, learning, and hyperactivity.

Stock pantry with healthy ingredients:

Fill your pantry with pregnancy-friendly ingredients like yogurt, fresh fruits, dry fruits, multigrain pasta, and nuts.

How to avoid morning sickness:

One-third of women suffer from morning sickness during the first trimester. Try consuming small portions of room temperature and bland food and use ginger. If this doesn’t help then with the perception of the doctor consume anti-nausea medication or vitamin B6.

Things to do and avoid in your Second trimester.


Visit dentist

It's highly advised that women should visit the dentist and take care of oral hygiene since women with good oral health tend to transmit less oral bacteria to their children.


Stay away from sports or unsafe activities

Stay away from events like surfing, downhill skiing, scuba diving, and amusement park rides as they have a risk of falling which is harmful to both mother and baby.


Avoid sleeping on your back

Sleeping on the back is harmful as the uterus presses the spinal cord along with other major blood vessels which results in back pain. The advised way of sleeping is on the left side.


Avoid unnecessary medications

It's essential to know if the medicine is safe to use during pregnancy as the medicine is in the bloodstream of a baby through the placenta.


Moisturize your belly

It may not help to get rid of stretch marks but prevents itchiness.

Things to do and avoid in your third trimester.

Avoid spas

Spas are harmful as foot massages stimulate contraction and fetal activity.

Avoid slouching

Sitting for long periods makes the mother tired quickly and increases back pain. Standing creates space for the baby.

Mentally prepare yourself for breastfeeding

In the third trimester, the gynecologist asks you to adjust your nipples for breastfeeding. You can do this by massaging the nipples; it also helps in avoiding soreness.

Start shortlisting the baby's name

Most of my friends and family will come up with cute name suggestions. Start planning what to name your baby.

Drink water

It's essential that you consume 8-10 glasses of water per day. Every woman has different experiences and needs during pregnancy, so it’s nothing to worry about if you require more or less glass of water. Always keep a check on your urine, if the color is dark yellow or if the urine is cloudy you should consume more water.

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